Tag: recount

Bike Recount



On a weekend I went bike riding and I went because it was a contest for money and I decided  to join it. It was so cool I could see that I was  bike riding over steep cliffs and on steep cliffs it was really cool looking.

As I started to race and heard the horn  I could hear  people encouraging me and that gave me to to believe in  myself and try my best. It was halfway through and I could taste my sweat dripping down my face.It felt like warm water but in a salty way ,I stopped and tightly  held  my brakes as fear  came in my brain. It was really steep cliffs  and I just tightly held  my plastic seat and took a big deep breath and I just started moving .

Zoom !I heard  my bike rumble across the trail., I could  smell the fresh air as I zoomed off.I could taste something too, I could taste my sunscreen. It tasted  like chemicals  and I hate  chemicals that disgusted me! When I  finished getting off the really big  steep cliffs I felt amazed that I could do it .

Finally it was close to an end and I was really tired but I was in second place and I was really excited to be second place but suddenly  first place stopped and it was my chance .Crash !bang! Zoom! As i speed to the finish line I felt   crazy that i did it, I screamed out loud and got the money and it was so fun .