Tag: Reading

Cats Create

Task Description :Last week we had an activity about our opinion  on cats,I think all cats should be put down or kept inside . I also think that people should not let their  cats  do what they what to do but they should get not get to do what they want cause they kill small little animals and birds but New Zealand loves all they birds and birds are charming .

My Amazing Duffy Books

Thank you Dominion constructors and Kevin i really love my books they are really cool. I love theses books and i really love reading it is my favourite subject , i also love reading chapter books , The books i got was Guts by Raina Telgemeier and my other books is meet Ella by Rebeca mcritchie and Danielle  McDonald.I really love them so much and thank you Kevin for coming to our school and talked to us, and thank you Kevin for paying the books for us .Thank you for our amazing Duffy books

water jam board

Task Description : this week we had to learn about water we had a jam board and we had to write sticky notes we also had to write on the jam board what was the poem like and what is water we all had to write a sticky note what is water i wrote water is rain and water is a liquid.